Occassions: Funeral, Sympathy
Basket arrangement of 3 dozen white roses.
*Colors and base shape may differ from those pictured. Check Service policy.
Inventory depleted for Feb 13-15th
Delivery on(mm/dd/yyyy):*
Approximate schedule* 11am-2pm 2-7pm Inventario agotado para 13-15Feb
Title Mrs. Ms. Mr. Arq. Dra. Dr.
First name
Last name
Street address
Building number
City section
City/Location ---------- - 0 usd *we cannot guarantee delivery if incorrect location is selected. Additional fees may apply in such cases.
Zip code
Contact phone* (mandatory) *We cannot guarantee delivery without having recipient's phone contact.
First name*
Lst name *
Email *
Do you want the message to carry your name?
Yes, please sign it with my name
No, send annonymus
(If you have a valid dicount code, this applies for the cost of flowers only; If the selected model is already on offer, the code WILL NOT apply)
Visa/Mastercard/AMEX or Paypal (Paypal is the payment processor, no previous account required) Bank deposit/Transfer HSBC Payment in Oxxo (deliveries scheduled a few hours after payment report and receival confirmation)